Trentino Booking Booking

Ecomuseum «A Small Alpine World» Val di Peio

Museums and castles


The Val di Peio Ecomuseum called «Piccolo Mondo Alpino» organizes activities that feature local culture, traditions, knowledge and history in addition to preserving and enhancing the land. Bibliographical and audiovisual material is available for consultation. The Piccolo Mondo Alpino eco-museum of Val di Peio promotes - locally and throughout the valley - community-based cultural development and training, the preservation of traditional skills and heritage, the conservation and enhancement of the landscape and other projects regarding sustainable developments in the community. The Piccolo Mondo Alpino Eco-museum illustrates local culture, history and architecture, focusing on themes such as: the Soul, the Sacred, Water, Minerals, Wood, Bread, Cheese, Flax and the Great War.

Volunteers have converted the former elementary school in Celentino into the Casa dell’Ecomuseo, the administrative centre of the Val di Peio Eco-museum where meetings, workshops and exhibitions are held. A permanent display of the tools used in the traditional flax processing illustrates the various stages of the material-making cycle, from sowing to finished product. Beautifully lined with pinewood, the Laboratorio Permanente di Tessitura Gianni Rigotti workshop houses a large traditional loom and the numerous «learner» looms used on textile fibre weaving and processing courses. The Lana e Aromi (Wool and Aromas) room shows how matted wool is worked. In the adjoining Orto dei Semplici the different herbs, plants and cereals are dried. 

Opening period


Hours: Monday from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Free guided tour, entrance by donation. Reservation recommended. 

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Peio - Celentino, Via dei Capitei, 24

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