Trentino Booking Booking

A trainload of taste

All aboard to discover the flavours of Trentino

Activity time 8 hours
Participants min. 6 - max. 20
ATTENTION: l'esperienza ha già avuto luogo
Prossime date in fase di definizione

Travel through Val di Sole, Val di Non and Piana Rotaliana with a local guide on board the narrow-gauge valleys train to discover the flavours and the gourmet food and wine culture of Trentino. Visit the Presanella Cheese Factory in Mezzana, the Golden Theatre and Melinda in Val di Non and the Rotari winery in Mezzocorona. You’ll have the chance to taste gourmet food and fine wine from local farms and companies at every stop. Round off your experience with delicious finger food accompanied by traditional Trentino wines.


Have you ever been on one of the trains of the Trento-Malé-Mezzana railway? The narrow-gauge train runs from Trento to Val di Sole, passing through the vineyards of the Piana Rotaliana and the apple orchards of Val di Non. The history of the railway line dates back to more than a century ago, when, in 1891, the then mayor of Trento, Paolo Mazzurana, suggested building an electric tramway system to link the regional capital to the Trentino valleys. The project took shape in the early 20th century, and the electrified line for the tramway from Trento to Malé was built. Spanning 60 km, it was, at the time, the longest line of its kind in operation in the entire Austro-Hungarian empire. The first train arrived in Cles on 26 July 1909 and in Malé on 17 August of the same year: it took a good four hours to travel the entire line from Trento to Malé, with many sections running along roads.


This activity is organised by the Dimaro Folgarida Holiday Consortium in partnership with the Medium-Altitude Mountain Guides, experts of the local area and of Trentino gourmet food and fine wine.

Experience Info

  • Rainy day activity
  • Full-day activity Full-day activity
Purchase experience

3 reasons

why this experience is worth it

Forget the stress of driving and, just for a day, hop aboard the narrow-gauge valleys train to discover the flavours of Trentino
Enjoy a multidimensional journey in the Golden Theatre, where you’ll be transported along with thousands of Melinda apples into an extraordinary underground world
Visit the Rotari winery, where you can taste Trentino’s finest world-famous wines and sparkling wines paired with traditional local produce

Consorzio Dimaro Folgarida Vacanze

Purchase experience

Experience Info

  • Rainy day activity
  • Full-day activity Full-day activity



Marilleva Mezzana - Railway station


Experience Info

All the info you need


€35 per person. Free train ride with the Val di Sole Guest Card.

€35 per person. Free train ride with the Val di Sole Guest Card.

Activity time

8 hours
8 hours

number of participants

Minimum 6 - Maximum 20 participants

Minimum 6 - Maximum 20 participants

Register before

Reservation required by 12:00 PM the day before.

Reservation required by 12:00 PM the day before.


Travel through Val di Sole, Val di Non and Piana Rotaliana with a local guide on board the narrow-gauge valleys train to discover the flavours and the gourmet food and wine culture of Trentino. Visit the Presanella Cheese Factory in Mezzana, the Golden Theatre and Melinda in Val di Non and the Rotari winery in Mezzocorona. You’ll have the chance to taste gourmet food and fine wine from local farms and companies at every stop. Round off your experience with delicious finger food accompanied by traditional Trentino wines.


Have you ever been on one of the trains of the Trento-Malé-Mezzana railway? The narrow-gauge train runs from Trento to Val di Sole, passing through the vineyards of the Piana Rotaliana and the apple orchards of Val di Non. The history of the railway line dates back to more than a century ago, when, in 1891, the then mayor of Trento, Paolo Mazzurana, suggested building an electric tramway system to link the regional capital to the Trentino valleys. The project took shape in the early 20th century, and the electrified line for the tramway from Trento to Malé was built. Spanning 60 km, it was, at the time, the longest line of its kind in operation in the entire Austro-Hungarian empire. The first train arrived in Cles on 26 July 1909 and in Malé on 17 August of the same year: it took a good four hours to travel the entire line from Trento to Malé, with many sections running along roads.


This activity is organised by the Dimaro Folgarida Holiday Consortium in partnership with the Medium-Altitude Mountain Guides, experts of the local area and of Trentino gourmet food and fine wine.

Caseificio Presanella | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Graffite Studio
Casolet - Formaggio | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola
Pomaria | © Archivio APT Val di Sole
Il Trenino del gusto - Cantina  | © Ph Cantina Rotari

The tour lasts one day and a guide is included, as well as visits to local farms and companies along the way, with tasting of wines and traditional local produce.


Open to everyone from the age of 12 and above. No pets allowed.


We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and trainers.


MEZZANA - Railway Station
You can get to the Mezzana stop in your own car, by train or using the public bus service. 


The activity will take place even in the event of rain or snow.

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